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                                                  Last update: April 4, 2010                                                   Next update: Mid-April 2010



Why this website?

      The purpose of this website is threefold : it evolved in the first place out of a personal desire in fully understanding my condition. We get to understand a phenomenon through the extensice use of thinking (yes, thinking as a tool and not solely as a process) which in turn can occur either through interaction (verbally by interacting and discussing with other individuals) or through introspection and individual analysis. Social discourse can reveal itself as an invaluable tool of analysis as it compels you to pinpoint phenomena and to try to clearly identify its constituants. You feel obliged to string together the words that best fit what you feel and in so clarifying your thinking, you come yourself to a better understanding of what you are experiencing. Nevertheless discussing such issues with others is sometimes not a good option; psychological diseases are still a taboo subject. Writing down what you think and jotting down what you feel is equally if not sometimes more effective.

      A second objective in conceiving this website is to share my knowledge with all who may find use in it. Why keep this information to myself when it can yield usefulness to other individuals sharing similar suffering? And what about all others interested in knowing more about this condition, for the sole purpose of information itself? Sure, the information exposed on this website is quite personal but I am able to share it through the use of anonymity, enabling the real author of this website (in flesh and bones) to live somewhat of a normal life (no I don’t consider my life “abnormal”: we all have our own issues, no?). Equally true about his virtual counterpart, “Mr. OCPD”, who is able to live its neuroses to their fullest without having to bear the consequences imposed on him by the real world.

      The third objective mirrored through this website is the complementarity it brings (a more balanced outlook) to the literature that deals with the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in general and its related conditions (like OCPD). OCPD is in fact not a very well known condition. Case studies described in literature and journals are too often stereotypical, facts being recycled from text to text in slighty differing manners. Blame the immaturity of knowledge on OCPD, what appears to be available are only generic descriptions of the condition which are most too often described and explained by professionals who do not experience the condition firsthand. Their patients may be unaware of the main paradigms and approaches used in psychology and if on the contrary they are aware of such approaches, they might be anyway too caught up in their own negative energy, preventing them from carrying out proper analyses.

      Hence to those very objective, detached and generic descriptions of OCPD which constitue the skeleton of our understanding, I want to add some meat.


      The purpose of this website is only informative; the ideas and opinions stated on this blog solely reflect the author’s perspective and in no way is it intent on being used with diagnostical value. This blog can hopefully provide hints and information that come in handy to the reader; hopefully it has high predictive value. The information should however not be taken at face value, nor does it bear official status.

      I do however possess a Master’s degree (M. A.) and a Bachelor’s degree (B.Sc.) in Psychology and so the information that you read and the psychological concepts that are used throughout my texts are accurate and extensive to the best of my knowledge. I am not a clinical psychologist nor do I currently work in the clinical sphere, however I do carry out psychological research and I did in fact work as a professional in psychiatric establishments in the last decade. This academic and professional experience is what adds on to my introspective skills and open-mindedness to offer you this website. Hence and I repeat, this blog was created on purely personal, not professional, grounds.

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